On SaturdayMarch 4, 2023, Bishop Stika hosted his annual Bishop’s Breakfast for Scouting. The Knoxville Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting (KDCCS) coordinates this event. The morning started with mass in the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in Knoxville. Immediately following mass, the attendees moved to the Cathedral Hall for breakfast and fellowship.
At the conclusion of breakfast, Bishop Stika presented six (6) adult Great Smoky Mountain Council volunteers with the St. George Emblem. This emblem is the highest recognition from the National Catholic Committee on Scouting that can be awarded on the local level.
The honorees were John and Michelle Gensheimer – Cathedral Parish; Robert Moneymaker – Holy Ghost Parish, Knoxville; John Sheridan – Cathedral Parish; Nathan Cunningham – Cathedral Parish; and Wes Stowers – Cathedral Parish.
These awards are given out annually. If you know of a deserving Scout Adult Volunteer, please contact Chris Manning, Committee Chair @ cjmanning13@gmail.com.