Popcorn Sales and Other Fundraising Activities
The Fall Fundraiser in the Great Smoky Mountain Council, Scouts sell Popcorn by taking orders from family, friends, and neighbors and selling directly (“show and sell”) at pre-approved locations, like neighborhood grocery stores. Top sellers can earn exciting prizes, and exciting incentives help keep Scouts engaged.
As the parent of a Scout, chances are you’ll end up eating a lot of Popcorn over the winter as well as helping your Scout with transportation, record keeping, and setting up to show and sell.
Camp Cards
The Spring Fundraiser in the Great Smoky Mountain Council, Scouts sell Camp Cards. These are “snap apart” discount cards containing various valuable discount offers at local businesses. They are also risk-free for units, which may return unused cards to the council.
Units receive a commission on all sales, and Scouts can earn exciting prizes. Your commitment level will be similar to the popcorn sale.
Unit Money-earning Application
If your unit is planning a money-earning project that is not coordinated by the Great Smoky Mountain Council, you must complete an Money-earning Application at least two weeks in advance of the proposed date of the project for approval.