In line with our present practice, Districts should reach out to any potential candidates they are considering for their district award and make sure they are aware of the requirements. The Council Advancement Committee (CAC) will require each district to provide their district-level submission and video per the updated guidelines given below.
Each District is strongly encouraged to be active in this process. We should do all we can to recognize our Eagles and the efforts they make toward their project. Please reach out to candidates in your district and ask them to submit their projects to you for the ESSPY award. CAC strongly desires that each District votes to select a winner for your area prior to January 31 – and to recognize that winner at your annual district banquet. This should provide at least five candidates for the CAC to select from for a Council winner at our February committee meeting.
Click HERE for more information about the Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year.
Vidoes (and the entire packet if the candidate has the skills to combine all the required documents electronically) can be uploaded HERE.