Each Lodge Officer is expected to do the following along with their Elected Position Description:
Attend ALL scheduled Lodge events and the Section Conclave, and NOAC.
Attend ALL scheduled Lodge LEC Meetings.
Attend ANY Council Events the Lodge has been asked to help with.
Officers are expected to attend and participate in a limited number of other meetings, Trainings (Section/Region/National), planning sessions, and special projects throughout the lodge year, especially throughout the fall of the current year as we plan the new year. Dates for these meetings will be set by the LEC.
Regularly communicate with their adviser, committee, and other officers throughout the year. (Following YPT)
Meet the goals and milestones that are set.
Help recruit, train, and lead Lodge members in carrying out the Lodge’s year–round program.
Set the example by correctly wearing a full Class A uniform.
Always conduct themselves according to the highest standards of the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and OA Obligation.
Be able to budget their time between Family, Religious, School, Sports, Clubs, and other responsibilities with what is required of them as a Lodge Officer.