Mount Cammerer Eagle Scout Process
1.) Print and read the Eagle Workbook Found HERE.
- Special Note – Take pictures throughout the entire project. We want to see Before, During and After photos.
- Special Note – Typing is highly recommended to complete your workbook. It is neater, easier to read, and allows you to edit the document. But this is not required. We will accept handwritten workbooks when necessary
2.) Complete the “Eagle Scout Project Proposal” part of your workbook. Page A – H
- With the help of your Scoutmaster, Committee Chair OR Life to Eagle Coach, find a project that is suitable for you to complete.
- Make sure to discuss the financials of your project. How will you pay for your project? Do you have a donor? Is the beneficiary willing to help? Will you fundraise?
- After discussing and filing out the beginning stages of your book, have the following people sign off on it.
- Scout
- Scoutmaster
- Beneficiary
- Committee Chair
- Have your Scoutmaster contact your district’s Eagle Board representative (info can be found here) and let them know they have a Life Scout for an Eagle Project Proposal Board of Review.
- Complete Eagle Project BOR and obtain signature
- During the proposal board, take notes from the suggestion of the board members so you can edit your plan by following their recommendations.
- Note- The questions asked during this part is all preliminary answers and can/will change throughout your process.
3.) Complete the “Eagle Scout Service Project Plan” part of your workbook.
- Financials – Remember talking about this early in your plan? Now it’s time to set your plans in stone.
- If your family and or friends are willing to cover the cost of your project, then that’s all you need to do. Collect money, purchase materials.
- Is your beneficiary covering the cost of your project? – Same as above – supply a list and purchase materials.
- Fundraising – here is where it gets a little tricky. If you plan to fundraise and your plan to fundraise over $500, you will need to have “Fundraising Application Page A” completed and signed by the Scout Executive. This page can be found also in your Eagle Scout Workbook.
- Details, Details, Details – you want to add as many details into this section as possible.
- Special Note – Materials COST, Supplies COST, Tools COST, etc.
- We want to know what everything would cost you. Even if Uncle Bob is supplying you with a skill saw. How much did it cost him? It might be free for you to use, but it cost Uncle Bob something. *Add ALL cost in.*
- It’s Time! Time to get busy on your project. Make plans with your Beneficiary, your unit, family and friends and get to work. Make sure to take notes so you can fill in your hours worked section at the end of this section. Everyone who helps on your project and donates their time, counts toward the total project service hours. Track your time from the very beginning. This includes all effort applied to the project. i.e phone calls, completing the workbook, or anything else that can be applied.
- Complete Project
- Special Note – Materials COST, Supplies COST, Tools COST, etc.
4.) Complete the “Eagle Scout Service Project Report” part of your notebook.
- You will want to fill out this data completely.
- Entering Service Project Data – This can be done on a separate spreadsheet that you attach if necessary.
- Project Plan Page C – 3 signatures required.
- Candidate – The Life Scout
- Beneficiary
- Scoutmaster
5.) What’s Next?
- Completely fill out your Eagle Scout application via Scoutbook
- Sign into Scoutbook
- Click on your name
- Scroll down and click on Reports
- Click on Eagle Application
- The system will auto fill in all information possible but take special care in looking over your application. Often, the council number, unit number, requirement 2 and requirement 4 will not be auto populated. Please fill them in before printing.
- Certification by Applicant
- Special Note – A letter of Ambition is required to be turned in with each Eagle Notebook. This is a letter from the Scout about their Scouting career, how it has impacted them, how they will use lessons learned during their career and about what their plans are for the future. Examples can be found on the internet.
- Collect Eagle Scout Letters of Recommendation.
- Letters are recommended to be submitted in PDF Format and sent to the Scoutmaster. Request each reference provide full name, mailing address, email address, and relationship.
- Signatures
- Life Scout
- Scoutmaster
- Committee Chair
- Last Steps! – Bring the following to be reviewed by the registrar at the council office.
- All three sections of your completed Eagle Scout Project Workbook.
- Letter of Ambition
- Eagle Scout Application
- What happens next?
- The registrar will verify all information you have provided to be accurate and true. They will notify the unit Scoutmaster and the Scout that the workbook is ready to be picked up at the office. This can take up to 2 weeks but generally is done within a few days.
- Scoutmaster lets the Eagle BOR representative know that they have a scout needing to be scheduled on *date* for their final Eagle Board of Review.
- Scout goes to their Eagle Board of Review
- Ensure the Scout reports to the BOR in the correct field uniform, with the proper rank, merit badge sash, etc.
- Information is taken back to the council office by the courier, then sent to National.
- It takes roughly 2 weeks to 1 month for National to get your Eagle Scout Credentials back to the office. The registrar will then notify the Scoutmaster and the Scout that it is available for pick up.