What’s all this Going to Cost?
We believe deeply in the value of Scouting, and we don’t want any child or youth to be unable to participate because of financial considerations. Scouting isn’t free, but we work hard to keep it affordable. And if it still isn’t for you, we encourage you to contact us to learn about assistance options.
The annual Scouting membership fee is $82 ($107 for new Scouts).
Your pack or troop may charge an additional annual or monthly fee to help cover awards, books, training materials, and other unit costs. The additional dollar above the national fee provides accident and sickness insurance for your scout.
Expect to pay roughly $100 for a complete new Cub Scout uniform and about $130 to $150 for a Scout BSA or Venturer uniform. Obviously, as your Scouts grow, they’ll need larger pants and shirts, but other uniform elements, like neckerchiefs and belts, can be kept.
Sending a Scout to summer camp costs about $300 for six days, including food. There are additional fees for certain activities to cover supplies and other expenses. These range from $10 to $40. Most other camps activities hosted by the council cost substantially less. Winter Camp, for example, is $100 per Scout. The council’s Spring Family Camp for Cub Scouts is around $35.
High Adventure, Camping and other activities outside the council may be more costly. Attending the 10-day National Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, for example, cost roughly $1,900 per Scout, including travel.
All Scouts are encouraged to fund their activities through Camp Card and Popcorn sales.
Sign Me Up!
Your child can join Scouting anytime, although units typically recruit new members near the beginning of the school year. If you’re not already aware of a unit serving your neighborhood,
visit to
visit to
visit to
or give us a call at the council service center and we’ll be happy to connect you.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is driving the youth and adult membership fee increase?
- General Liability Insurance costs to protect volunteer leaders, staff, charter organizations, units, and youth.
- BSA restructuring costs.
- Enhanced Criminal Background check processes and investments in Youth protection and safety programs.
What steps has the National Service Center taken to manage costs?
- Completed a new staff structure and streamlined both the professional workforce and the volunteer structure, while maintaining essential services.
- Reduced the National staff workforce to support essential services.
- Reduced expenses throughout the National organization.
What is the new membership fee for youth and adults? Will the fees go up again?
- The new adult membership fee is $60, and the youth membership fee is $80 annually.
- The BSA will continue to evaluate the membership fees and keep our councils and unit leaders informed of any further changes to the fee structure.
What benefits and services are provided to the local council with the new fee?
- Expanded GLIP protections for Chartered Organizations and volunteers.
- Enhanced Criminal Background checks.
- Investments in BSA safety resources and training.
- The employment of a new Youth Protection Executive and support staff.
- The National Council provides the following essential services to councils:
- The use of BSA Intellectual Property – Youth Safety, Cub Scouts, Scouts, BSA, Venturing, Camp Standards, Training and Program development etc.
- Legal
- Human Resources
- Information Technology – Rechartering, Scout Book
- Accounting Resources
- Council Services Support
- Membership & Marketing Support
- Crisis Communications and support
- Safety & Membership Standards Support
- A variety of training support for youth and adult leaders
- Health Insurance & Benefits
What benefits and services are provided to the unit with the registration fee?
- Expanded General Liability Insurance protections for the chartered organization and unit leaders in the event of an incident.
- Program research and development including, Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Exploring.
- Access to Youth Protection Training, Incident Reporting and Scouts First Helpline: 1- 844-Scouts1.
- Access to leadership specific training for adult leaders.
- Investments in program literature and resource development.
- Ability to purchase Uniforms, Insignia and Recognition for youth and Adults.
- Provides access to Membership, Marketing, and Brand Center resources.
- Provides important technology support including Scout Book, on-line registration, on-line advancement, and rechartering, My. Scouting, BeAScout, and BSA Brand Center for digital assets.
- Access to the four BSA High Adventure Properties including Philmont Scout Ranch, Florida Sea Base, Northern Tier High Adventure Base, and the Summit Bechtel Reserve.