Scout Adventure Card Kickoff

Good Afternoon,

It’s Scout Adventure Card Time in Tennessee!  Formerly known as Camp Cards, our Scout Adventure Card sale officially kicks-off tomorrow!

We are excited about the offers this year and for the Adventures our Scouts will be able to take. Please visit the following link to register your unit to sell this year and how many cards you would like to start the sale with. Unit commitment link:

Please note the amount of initial cards checked out may be altered based on historical sales, membership, and inventory availability.

We are holding a kick-off tomorrow, Thursday, February 22, 2024, at 6:30 pm at the Council Service Center, 1333 Old Weisgarber Rd. Knoxville, TN 37909 and in 2 locations in the Cataloochee District.  A Zoom option is available for the kick-off, and you can arrange to pick up cards within your area through your District Executive or Director or at the Council office during regular business hours, 8:30 am-5:00 pm.

Please visit the following link to register and let us know how you plan to attend.

Kick-off reg link:

Click HERE for the Scout Adventure Card Guide.

Thank you,


Tracy Slice  |  Fundraising Assistant

Great Smoky Mountain Council

1333 Old Weisgarber Road
Knoxville, Tennessee 37909
O 865.588.6514  |  D 865.566.0642  |  F 865.212.0076