
The Bedrock of Scouting

Behind every trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent Scout is a long line of committed volunteers who share those same traits. Volunteering has always been the very bedrock of the Scouting program.

Volunteering is the key that unlocks the confidence kids need to stand on their own two feet. But it also opens the door for adults to share inspiring experiences with their own child, make friendships that will last a lifetime, and put a bunch of good kids on the path to a great life.

Ask any of our volunteers and they’ll tell you, volunteering with Scouting is as rewarding to them as it is meaningful to the kids. Watching kids grow is one thing — leading them through the process is a whole new experience all together.



There are countless ways to get involved:

Work directly with Scouts as a unit leader (Cubmaster, Den Leader, Scoutmaster, or Venturing Crew Advisor), or as an assistant leader.

Help with specific events or activities as a merit badge counselor, event coordinator, service project coordinator, camp coordinator, or camping trip participant.

Fulfill an administrative role as a member of an advancement or communications committee; a secretary helping with record keeping, permits, minutes, and re-chartering; a treasurer; or a training coordinator.

Advance Scouting through other means as a chartered organization representative, a Friends of Scouting fundraising coordinator, a youth recruiter, or one on of many more opportunities.

We encourage you to contact the service center to learn more about the wide variety of volunteering opportunities with the Great Smoky Mountain Council.