Dan Beard
Dan Beard is a first-year camper program designed for the brand-new Scout who has just moved up from Webelos or joined the Troop for the first time just before camp. It is an orientation to the out-of-doors and fast tracks Scouts on skills needed for their Scouting journey. Its purpose is to help new Scouts get comfortable with Scouting methods and teach vital camping skills.
Scouts attend Dan Beard from 9 AM – 11:45 AM in the Dan Beard program area and the afternoon in merit badge classes. One of the afternoon merit badge blocks will be the swimming merit badge or instructional swim. During the other afternoon merit badge block, they will have a choice of a handicraft merit badge (Indian Lore, Basketry, or Leatherworking). Dan Beard Scouts are not required to take these badges; however, they should be age-appropriate (i.e., not shooting sports). All Dan Beard Scouts will participate in a special evening activity each Wednesday night.
2024 Requirements we plan to cover – this is subject to change
About the Program
The Dan Beard program introduces the new Scout to many outdoor skills included in the rank advancements for Tenderfoot, Second, and First Class. The Camp Buck Toms staff does not sign off on any of these requirements in a Scout’s handbook since we believe these skills must be practiced and mastered before a Scout is signed off for any of the requirements and that it is the responsibility of the Scoutmaster or their designee to make the final determination on mastery of these skills. Once the Scoutmaster feels confident the Scout has mastered these skills, they will mark them as complete.
WHAT TO EXPECT: Participants should be prepared daily for trekking all over camp; substantial footwear and water bottles are a must. Daypacks for towels, Scout Handbooks, water bottles, and other materials are highly recommended.
Participants will be busy from morning to evening and may have less opportunity for free time compared to other campers, but they can go home with tangible evidence of their hard work in the forms of the Totin’ Chip, Firem’n Chit, and requirements checked off by their counselor.